Présentation du Laboratoire
The Laboratory of Informatics, Modelling and Optimization of the Systems (LIMOS) is a Mixed Unit of Research (UMR 6158) in computing, and more generally in Sciences and Technologies of information and the Communication ( STIC).
The LIMOS is mainly connected with the Institute of the Sciences of the Information and their Interactions (INS2I) of the CNRS, and in a secondary way to the Institute of the Sciences of the Engineering and the Systems (INSIS). He has for academic supervision the Clermont Auvergne university and the graduate school of Mines of Saint-Etienne (EMSE), and as partner establishment the Engineer Institute SIGMA. The LIMOS is a member labex IMOBS3 and ClercVolc and federation of search in Environment FR 3467 (which groups 17 laboratories UCA and INRA of the site of Clermont-Ferrand). It is an associate member of the federation MODMAD (Mathematical MODELLING and Decision support, FED 4169) carried by University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne
The scientific positioning of the LIMOS is centered around the Computing, the Modelling and the Optimization of the Organizational and alive Systems. The main themes of search developed within the laboratory are:
Effectifs du LIMOS
- 97 enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs
- 74 doctorants
- 15 postdocs
- 7 chercheurs associés
- 3 Professeurs émérites
- 3 ATER
- 10 Appui recherche
- 10 Ingénieurs, Techniciens et Administratifs
- 2 Maîtres Assistants