Outils, Logiciels, Démonstrations

LIMOS makes available to its researchers various tools and resources.
- A platform HPC (High Performance Computing) with a Slurm scheduler
- Une plateforme de virtualisation Proxmox

The following tools were created and shared by LIMOS researchers.
Type Tool Description Authors
library alsk Active C++ Library for Assisted Parallelisation with Algorithmic Skeletons Alexis PEREDA, Bruno BACHELET, Claude MAZEL, David HILL
library pfor Active C++ Library for Automatic Parallelisation of Loops Alexis PEREDA, Bruno BACHELET, Claude MAZEL, David HILL
library Hedgehog C++ Library for Data-Flow Driven Heterogeneous Parallelization Alexandre BARDAKOFF, Timothy BLATTNER, Walid KEYROUZ, Bruno BACHELET, Loïc YON, Mary BRADY
library DiceKriging package R « DiceKriging » Olivier ROUSTANT, D. Ginsbourger, Y. Deville
library kergp Package R « kergp » Olivier ROUSTANT, Deville, D. Ginsbourger, N. Durrande
library sensitivity package R « sensitivity » Olivier ROUSTANT, Bertrand Iooss
library lineqGPR Gaussian Processes with Linear Inequality Constraints LOPEZ-LOPERA
library DiceOptim package R « DiceOptim » Olivier ROUSTANT, Picheny, D. Ginsbourger
software MetaExploArrays logiciel parallèle pour la détermination d’oligonucléotides David HILL, Faouzi JAZIRI , Mohiedine MISSAOUI, Pierre PEYRET
software HiSpOD logiciel de détermination de sonde ou d’amorce dans le domaine de l’écologie microbienne David HILL, Faouzi JAZIRI , Mohiedine MISSAOUI, Pierre PEYRET
library Générateur MATLAB de maillages Générateur MATLAB de maillages d’éléments finis 2D avec une fonction de densité automatique Jonas KOKO
library KPDE Bibliothèques de fonctions MATLAB Jonas KOKO
library KSTOK Functions Matlab Libraries Jonas KOKO
software Hoare Logic Checkers for Security Proofs We developp two prototypes that implement two Hoare Logic to automatically verify specific cryptographic primitives Pascal LAFOURCADE, Martin Gagné and Yassine Lakhnech
library ETC++ C++ Library for Concept-Based Expression Templates Bruno BACHELET, Loïc YON
library C4TS++ C++ Library for Concept-Based Template Specialization Bruno BACHELET, Antoine MAHUL, Loïc YON
library B++ Library Generic C++ Library for Operations Research and Simulation Bruno BACHELET
software Build Graph Online Web Application to Generate Graphs or Graph Problems Bruno BACHELET