Actualité - Offre d'emploi, de thèse

Poste : permanent
Date : Sept. 1, 2024
Contact Mail : , tel : 04 73 50 00 00

Position Professor 0855 Isima / Limos

Teaching profile

ISIMA (Institut Supérieur d'Informatique, de Modélisation et de leurs Applications) is a leading computer science engineering school of Clermont Auvergne INP, a component of the Université Clermont Auvergne and a member of the INP group.

ISIMA offers degree courses in computer science engineering (around 430 students), master's degrees in computer science (around 150 students) and bachelor's degrees in computer science (around 350 students).

The candidate is likely to be involved in all ISIMA degrees (bachelor's, master's and engineer's degrees).

The teaching requirements are very varied, and cover specialized or general topics such as programming, software engineering, object-oriented design and programming (UML, C++, Java), web programming, optimization and decision support, databases, machine learning, software engineering, artificial intelligence, operating systems, cloud computing and distributed architecture, IoT (Internet of Things) and embedded systems.

The candidate is expected to teach in a subset of these areas.

The candidate will be part of ISIMA's teaching team, comprising around 45 teachers and teacher-researchers.

The candidate will be expected to participate in the school's collective tasks and missions of general interest.

External applications are strongly encouraged.


Research profile

The Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Modélisation et d'Optimisation des Systèmes (LIMOS) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 6158) in computer science, and more generally in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST).

LIMOS is mainly attached to the CNRS Institut des Sciences de l'Information et de leurs Interactions (INS2I), and secondarily to the Institut des Sciences de l'Ingénierie et des Systèmes (INSIS).

Its academic supervisors are the Université Clermont Auvergne and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (EMSE), and its partner institution is the SIGMA engineering school.

LIMOS is a member of the IMOBS3 and ClercVolc labexes, and of the FR 3467 environmental research federation (which brings together 17 UCA and INRAE laboratories on the Clermont-Ferrand site). It is also an associate member of the MODMAD federation (MODélisation Mathématique et Aide à la Décision, FED 4169) run by the Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne.

LIMOS' scientific positioning is centered on Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Organizational and Living Systems. The main research themes developed within the laboratory are :

- Combinatorial Optimization

- Algorithms, Graphs, Complexity

- Metamodeling, Continuous Optimization and Applications (MOCA)

- Data, Services, Intelligence

- Network and Security

- Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems

- Service Design and Planning

We are looking for candidates with established international recognition in one of the following two fields:

1. Combinatorial optimization and operations research in general. Additional expertise related to robust optimization, stochastic optimization and/or approximation algorithms will be appreciated.

2. Big data management and/or data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Priority will be given to applications with a solid theoretical foundation. Expertise in practical applications, particularly in relation to the themes of the Cap 2025 I-SITE International Research Center, "Innovative Systems and Services for Transport and Production", will be promoted.

The successful candidate will join one of the three LIMOS laboratory axes:

- MAAD (Models and Algorithms for Decision Support):, with a strong research focus on combinatorial optimization, continuous optimization, graph theory, discrete geometry and lattices.

- ODPS (Outils Décisionnels pour la Production et les Services):, this axis has a strong research orientation in the fields of mathematical programming, Markov Decision Processes and Discrete Event Simulation, with a real applicative bias in the fields of production management, transportation, microelectronics manufacturing, logistics chains and inventory management.

- SIC (Systèmes d'Information et de Communication):, theme Data, Services and Intelligence (DSI). This theme focuses on issues related to the management and optimization of large volumes of data, and their analysis using data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques.

External applications are strongly encouraged.


Contact teaching : Farouk Toumani, director ISIMA,
Contact research : Mourad Baïou, director LIMOS,

More informations above