Axis ODPS: Decision-support tools for Production and Services
The main research interest in axis ODPS is Operations Management. Operations Management consists in maximizing the use of resources when performing given activities in complex organizational systems. Our approach in general is first to model these systems and then to implement solution methods for decision-making. Regarding the implementation side, a good understanding of structural properties is often needed, and the design of efficient algorithms is thus generally completed with a mathematical study of the problem at hand.
Scientific contributions mainly take three forms:
- Identifying new organizational problems for which models in the literature do not fit, and introduce new models.
- Understanding structural properties for these new models
- Tackling the limits of solution schemes when applied to these models
The context of the research varies from manufacturing (with a special interest on semiconductor manufacturing), transportation (with a strong interest for mobility) and healthcare. Methodologies are those of Combinatorial Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Markov Decision Process and Discrete Event Simulation.
Key-words (applications): manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, semiconductor manufacturing, supply chain, inventory management.
Key-words (methodology): mathematical programming, discrete event simulation, stochastic optimization, metaheuristic, multi-objective optimization, learning.