
Date : 17 septembre 2021 12:00 - Salle :Salle du conseil

Measuring consistency for fuzzy logic theories

Manuel OJEDA-ACIEGO - Professeur Université de Malaga

Fuzzy logic has shown to be a suitable framework to handle contradictions in which, unsurprisingly, the notion of inconsistency can be defined in different ways. 
This talk starts with a short survey of different ways to define the notion of inconsistency in fuzzy logic systems. As a result, we provide a first notion of inconsistency in terms of the absence of models. Subsequently, we define two measures of consistency that belong purely to the fuzzy paradigm; in the sense that both measures coincide with the crisp notion of consistency when the set of truth values is {0,1}. Accordingly, we can state that the two provided measures of consistence are notions of consistence based on degrees, bringing back the spirit of fuzzy logic into the notion of consistency.
Bio Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego received the M.Sc. in Mathematics in 1990 and the Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1996, both from the University of Málaga, Spain.
He is currently a Full Professor of Applied Mathematics with the University of Málaga. He has (co)authored more than 160 papers in scientific journals and proceedings of international conferences. 
His current research interests include fuzzy answer set semantics, inconsistence, residuated and multiadjoint logic programming, fuzzy formal concept analysis, and algebraic structures for computer science.
Dr. Ojeda-Aciego is the President of the Computer Science Committee of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Societycurrently serves the Editorial Board of the journals "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", “Mathematics", and "Intl J on Uncertainty and Fuzziness in Knowledge-Based Systems” and is a member of the Steering Committee of the conferences "Concept Lattices and their Applications", “Intl Conf on Formal Concept Analysis" and "Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty”.