Date : Jan. 11, 2018, 2 p.m. - Salle :Salle du conseil
The Cooking Recipe Benchmark Initiative : Cross-disciplinary Challenges from Big Data and LOD, to IOT and BlockChainFrederic ANDRES - National Institut of Informatics - Tokyo - Japan |
The talk will overview the CRWB (Cooking Recipes Without Border) benchmark initiative dedicated to the evaluation of new algorithms and technologies for cooking recipe recommendation, access, and exploration. The talk will point out the challenges from Big Data and Linked Open Data services to IOT and BlockChain. In addition, this benchmark initiative offers tasks to the research community that are related to human and social aspects of cooking recipe and healthy eating decision-making.
Biography Dr. Hab. Frederic Andres received his Ph.D. in Information systems from the University of Paris VI "Pierre et Marie Curie" in 1993 and his Dr. Habilitation in Informatics from the University of Nantes in 2000. Dr. Frederic Andres has been associate professor in the Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division of the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, Japan since 2000 and of Sokendai (Tokyo) since 2002. He is author of more than 150 papers on international journals, books and conferences. His main research areas of interest includes several topics such as collective intelligence-based community management, early warning management, pedagogy and didactic web-based e-learning and cooking recipe computing.