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Date : March 18, 2021, 2 p.m. - Salle :Visio-conférence
The Web of Things: A Classical AI Philosopher's Stone?Victor Charpenay - EMSE |
In this talk, I will introduce recently emerged concepts such as the Web of Things and Industry 4.0. I'll then show to what extent they relate to well-established research fields: AI planning, knowledge representation and model checking in the first place. Indeed, the Web of Things appears to be the ideal application to the decades-old but never entirely realized vision of autonomous agents on the Web. Given the large scale of today's technical systems, autonomy has become a must. The formal AI principles developed for "block worlds" can now be used to their full extent in industrial applications. The Web of Things is in some way rejuvenating AI research, as a Philosopher's Stone would.
Bio : https://www.vcharpenay.link
Computer Science researcher and Maître de conférences (associate professor) at Mines Saint-Étienne. Hold a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Passau and a German-French Master's degree from the University of Passau and the engineering school INSA Lyon. Research topics include semantics for the Web of Things, knowledge management and exchange in embedded environments. Contributor to the W3C Web of Things standards.
Présentation en Français et transparents en Anglais.
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