PRC France-India : Study of Privacy, Accountability and Ownership in IoT
Responsable LIMOS : LAFOURCADE PascalCoordinateur : Pascal Lafourcade
Début du projet : July 1, 2016 - Fin du projet : July 1, 2019
Projet piloté par le LIMOS
The Internet facilitates enormous opportunities to modern computing world where not only humans but also machines even tiny sensing devices can communicate and collaborate with each other. It is projected that in near future there will be over 50 billions of connected objects that will create a business of 350 billions of euros. In this landscape, an innovative Internet infrastructure referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a promising infrastructure, which will be able to integrate information related to the real world (from objects) and the virtual world (computer applications). In simple terms, IoT scenarios require integration of several complimentary technologies, where information related to the real world and the virtual world will be retrieved, combined, processed, analysed, and distributed anywhere and anytime, providing new and exciting applications, challenges and opportunities.
It is quite imperative that IoT requires a distributed framework of software and services (e.g. protocols, algorithms, systems, software) which would enable objects (maybe heterogeneous in nature) to connect to each other using Internet as the primary communication backbone. However, Internet as the communication channel in applications would naturally become the target of attacks that can disrupt (e.g. data fabrication, user impersonation, data leakage, denial of service attacks) the provisioning of services. Furthermore, in the IoT infrastructure, majority of objects (‘things’) are pervasive, resource constrained and they also allow easy access to malicious adversaries. Importantly, the conventional security solutions like SSL/TLS [DS14] may not be feasible for implementation in all scenarios. Therefore, IoT applications demand lightweight, resource-efficient security and privacy solutions.
In addition, data privacy, data loss, accountability, trust relationships are important concerns in modern and future Internet applications [D09]. While transmitting data among many intermediate entities located in different places/countries, data ownership and regulatory norms are also crucial factors that must mutually be addressed before IoT gets its desired shape in real world applications.
The objective of this project is aimed at conducting extensive research in the security and privacy issues in IoT based on collaborative research through the exchanging visits between French researchers and Indian researchers, supervision of scholars and development of software/hardware modules by their domain of expertise for continuing further research in the area.
LIMOS Members : Dr, Lafourcade Pascal, Dr. Gerard Chalhoub, Xavier Bultel, David Gérault, Matthieu Giraud, Jinpeng Wang, Hamadoun Tall
Membre du DA-IICT, India : Lal Das Manik, Mathuria Anish, Hardik Gajera
Joint publications : Xavier Bultel, Manik Lal Das, Hardik Gajera, David Gérault, Matthieu Giraud, Pascal Lafourcade:
Verifiable Private Polynomial Evaluation. ProvSec 2017: 487-506
Organismes partenaires :
Financeur : CNRS