PGMO 2022 - IROE - Convention de financement P-2022-0031 - Nabil ABSI
Responsable LIMOS : ABSI NabilDébut du projet : 1 septembre 2022 - Fin du projet : 31 août 2024
Projet piloté par le LIMOS
Vehicle to Grid Optimization -- Vehicle to grid is a concept that exploits capabilities of electric vehicles when they are connected to the power grid. In sich a system, thes vehicles can for example return electricity to the grind in order to help leveling peal loads or store electricity when demand is los. The goal of this project is to develop original models and exact solution approcahces in order to plan the charging and the discharging of electric vehicles over a time horizon of several hours. The proposed solution approaches should consider the demand in energy of vehicles and the grid as well as several technical constraintes in order to ensure the stability of the grid.
Organismes partenaires :
Financeur : None