Responsable LIMOS : ABSI NabilDébut du projet : 1 juin 2021 - Fin du projet : 31 mai 2024
Projet piloté par le LIMOS
L’IA et l’optimisation pour une logistique portuaire intelligente -- L’Intelligence Artificielle pour l’optimisation de la logistique portuaire : The intermodal transportation has emerged greatly in the 20th century because of its speed and cheapness in transporting goods. While great researches have been made to optimize the maritime transportation of containers, the land-based areas are still far behind from being optimal which is affecting all the supply chain actors. This is practically translated by late deliveries, long waits at terminals and congested ports, and incurring huge increases in CO2 emissions as well as massive gain losses. Therefore, the main challenge is to achieve a global vision of logistics in order to anticipate the various container flows and to guide all the parties in a supply chain in the conduct of their operations. In this context, the aim of this PhD is to provide the different actors of container logistics with a tool for decision-making support and to enable visibility on the land operations of containers to optimize and fluidify their activity. More specifically, the objective is to understand the mechanisms at the origin of slowdowns in container exchanges, and to be able to formulate prediction and optimization algorithms.
Organismes partenaires :
Financeur : None