

Responsable LIMOS : ABSI Nabil
Début du projet : 17 mai 2021 - Fin du projet : 16 mai 2024
Projet piloté par le LIMOS

Optimisation dynamique de systèmes de transport mixtes avec correspondances -- Optimisation de système de transports mixtes en zones peu denses : In sparsely populated area public transport are insufficient and do not suit users’ demand. There is high-capacity train circulating with a low frequency following a predefined timetable. Therefore, users rather use their own car than public transport for its ease and flexibility. To revitalize public transport and rail transport in these areas a mixt on-demand transport based on an innovating rail-road vehicle is considered. This solution aims at transporting the most passenger in door-to-door transportation during a specified period while minimizing the overall user’s travel time. Vehicles circulate on a single-track rail line and make some detour to pick up or drop off users.

Organismes partenaires :

Financeur : None