

Responsable LIMOS : DAUZERE PERES Stéphane
Début du projet : 1 avril 2017 - Fin du projet : 30 juin 2020

The main objective of Productive4.0 is to take a major step towards a hands-on approach of digitising the European industry with the focus on the three pillars: Digital Production (DP), Supply Chain Networks (SCN) and Product Life Cycle Management (PLM). The fact that they are supposed to collaborate and influence each other in a lot of ways and on a number of levels is taken into account. The approach will cover all industrial domains from automotive to robotics and inevitably push a standardisation which all partners involved can rely on in the future. As a matter of fact, the three fields DP, SCN and PLM will be reflected in all work packages with their individual objectives. Due to their importance, it is recommended to take a glance on the fields before continuing with the individual objectives.

Organismes partenaires :

Financeur : None