

Responsable LIMOS : MEDINI Khaled
Début du projet : 1 octobre 2020 - Fin du projet : 30 juin 2021
Projet piloté par le LIMOS

Thématique entreprise montée en puissance et descente dans un contexte crise et durabilité -- RAMP-UP II project contributes to addressing the limitations of state-of-the-art approaches for agile, resilient, and sustainable manufacturing and service industries. In particular, the project focuses on manufacturing and healthcare services in uncertain situations like crisis contexts. The ambition of RAMP-UP II is to contribute to developing resilient and agile value networks, especially in uncertain and dynamic environments. To achieve the project goals, a multidisciplinary team is involved with complementary backgrounds in the fields of industrial management, multi-agent systems, knowledge management, and process automation.

Organismes partenaires :

Financeur : None