Optimization of layout design in Ultra-Flexible Factories
Responsable LIMOS : BAIOU MouradCoordinateur : BAIOU Mourad
Début du projet : Nov. 1, 2023 - Fin du projet : Oct. 1, 2026
Projet piloté par le LIMOS
This project focuses on optimizing the layout of machines in a production facility at minimal cost. Given a set of machines and the flow quantities exchanged between them, the problem, known as the Facility Layout Problem (FLP), involves determining the optimal positioning and orientation of the machines. The goal is to minimize the total cost, including both the installation cost of the machines and the inter-machine transportation cost.
Organismes partenaires :
Financeur : CAP 20 25
Autre financeur : Autre (saisir financier specifique)
Financeur spécifique : MICHELIN