
C-Roads Extended

Responsable LIMOS : CHALHOUB Gérard
Début du projet : Nov. 27, 2024 - Fin du projet : Nov. 27, 2025


The project ensures the continuation of the C-Roads Platform, supporting the deployment of harmonised and interoperable Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) in Europe. As part of the project, Member States are committed to define, discuss and agree the technical and organisational elements for the deployment of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS services. The work undertaken will be performed in close collaboration with deployment projects, wider industry and a specific focus on the vehicle industry. The C-Roads platform will develop and publish commonly agreed new sets of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS service specifications, which will be made available for all C-ITS deployment activities in Europe. Based on the close collaboration and coordination within C-Roads and across C-ITS deployment projects and industry stakeholders, successful harmonised and interoperable C-ITS service deployments across Europe will be achieved and will be considered sustainable. The partners of the project will define and adapt their digital transport infrastructure (DTI) processes to ensure C-ITS is fully embedded into day-today traffic management procedures. The DTI transition will also provide added value by directly improving the quality of traditional ITS services. One of the main focus of the project is to continue the development of C-Roads harmonised and interoperable C-ITS service specifications for motorway environments. Additionally, C-Roads will support the rising importance of our urban environments including Public Transport vehicle fleets and the support of blue light service vehicles like fire brigades or ambulances. C-Roads specifications are based on open standards and are publicly promoted and available. The coordination and support of C-Roads will lead to a sustainable supply chain and give confidence to C-ITS solution providers that standards are supported by the EU region. Given the collaboration included in this proposal it will also provide opportunities for innovators and suppliers to work with C-Roads which is essential for their solution engineering and new developments. The project will provide a key focus on permanent and sustainable C-ITS operations and prepare the first steps for the I2V support of automated mobility introduction on the TEN-T network. In addition, by closely working with city and rail authorities, the C-Roads Platform will show the benefits of C-ITS services in a multimodal transport environment supporting all modes of transport. The project includes the following Work Packages (WP): Platform management and coordination (WP1); Working Groups and Task Forces (WP2) and Cooperation and Communication (WP3). The participants in the project include Ministries, road operators and authorities responsible for the TEN-T network in 18 EU Member States (MS). In particular, the project includes partners responsible for the Core and Comprehensive Network in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In addition, the project also includes the participation of associated partners from the United Kingdom and Norway. By covering all mentioned countries, all TEN-T corridors will benefit from the project.

Organismes partenaires :

Financeur : Commission Européenne