

Responsable LIMOS : FAVREAU Jean-Marie
Début du projet : Sept. 1, 2020 - Fin du projet : Aug. 31, 2023

The purpose of the MobiDic project is to provide the structures and equipment necessary for the development of e-health in the Clermont-Ferrand area for the problem of personalised human mobility, the theme of Challenge 3 of Cap2025. The objective is to perpetuate and boost multidisciplinary work on remote patient monitoring by setting up :

  •     equipment and development of specific connected objects
  •     a platform for the recognition and quantification of low-intensity movements for patients, in real-life conditions

In fact, chronic diseases represent a real epidemic in Western countries, affecting 42% of the population. Among patients with at least one chronic disease, half are multimorbid, i.e. suffering from at least two chronic diseases (1). While the prevalence of chronic diseases and multimorbidity increases with age, more than half of multimorbid patients are under 65 years of age. This multimorbidity is associated with increased mortality, disability, and health care costs. The impact of multimorbidity on health is much greater than the simple addition of each chronic disease because of the complex interactions between diseases creating new phenotypes (2). However, the measurement of low-intensity activities, or movements of small amplitude, is difficult to detect by current actimeters.

The aim of the project is to explore and combine different methods of collecting physical activity, sedentary behaviour and other parameters of interest in healthy populations and cohorts of patients with chronic diseases in order to provide an "e-health mobility toolbox".

The objectives are

  •     to identify a signature of physical activity/sedentary behaviour and associated disorders by chronic pathology or combination of chronic pathologies (multimorbidity)
  •     to analyse physical activity/sedentary trajectories, taking into account the patient's context and other parameters of interest (nutrition, pain, emotions, behaviour, environmental data, etc.)
  •     to predict, thanks to this signature, the risk of development of comorbidities at 4 years and of aggravation or improvement of the pathology itself.
  •     to have a personalised, preventive, predictive and participative action on the complications linked to a sedentary lifestyle.

Organismes partenaires :

Financeur : FEDER