Responsable LIMOS : FAVREAU Jean-MarieCoordinateur : Mauricette Fournier
Début du projet : Jan. 1, 2019 - Fin du projet : Dec. 31, 2021
URL : https://activmap.limos.fr/Activites/Projets/HACCEScol/
The HACCEScol research programme is based on the general premise that improving accessibility increases individual capabilities, works for spatial justice by reducing forms of socio-spatial exclusion, and ultimately promotes citizenship for people with disabilities. More particularly, it is on access to education and initial training that this programme is based, divided into two axes that cross the different disciplinary approaches and skills of the team members (territorial sciences, law and IT). Access to education and initial training appears to be an essential right and a condition for access to citizenship. The two axes developed within the project have a strong operational dimension, with the objective of making a concrete contribution to improving accessibility conditions for young people with disabilities. On the one hand, it is a question of analysing the compatibility and discrepancies of the arrangements aimed at promoting accessibility to schools and universities on the basis of the study of the Work planning agendas to make a building accessible, a regulatory document since the 2005 law. On the other hand, the program aims to equip the OpenStreetMap community to help improve accessibility.
The work carried out in these two areas will provide an empirical basis for a general increase in the problems of the efficiency of public policies and spatial justice.
Organismes partenaires :
MSH Clermont-Ferrand | EA 4232 / UCA |
Financeur : Autre (saisir financier specifique)
Financeur spécifique : MSH