Actualité - Offre d'emploi, de thèse

Poste : CDD
Date : Sept. 1, 2023
Contact Mail : , tel :

Associate Assistant Professor of Healthcare Optimization

Position open at the Centre Ingénierie et Santé (Mines St-Etienne) and LIMOS (CNRS).

The main mission of co-piloting the HMDI Master's degree, which is run in collaboration with EM Lyon consists of: conducting recruitment interviews, providing personalized follow-up for students, organizing organization of oral examinations, and acting as an interface between the various contributors and the administrative team.
Participation in teaching in this master's program or in other courses at the school is envisaged depending on the candidate's profile and requirements.

Research will be carried out at LIMOS (UMR CNRS 6158), with ODPS (Decision Tools for Production and Services), secondary axis SIC (Systems of Information and Communication).
The candidate will be able to integrate or develop research activities related to the development of decision support or systems analysis methods in the healthcare field.

- Profile:
   - PhD in computer science, operations research, applied mathematics or related field.
   - Good level of spoken English.
   - Experience with optimization or machine learning algorithms is a plus.
   - Experience in healthcare is a plus.
- Working hours: Full time - no teaching load but co-responsibility for master's degree.
- Type of contract: Fixed-term 12 months renewable.
- Location: Saint-Etienne (France)
- Internal title: "Associate Assistant Professor".
- Salary: Depending on experience

More information in the document below