WAGNER - Nicolas

Toutes les publications (8)
Date/Type Titre/URL/journal Domaines Notes SJR/Core Cit. GScholar
Nicolas Wagner, Marie-Madeleine Mialon, Karen Helle Sloth, Romain Lardy, Dorothee Ledoux, Mathieu Silberberg, Alice de Boyer Des Roches, Isabelle Veissier
Detection of changes in the circadian rhythm of cattle in relation to disease, stress, and reproductive events
Methods - 2021
Sciences du vivant
Isabelle Veissier, Nicolas Wagner, Marie-Madeleine Mialon, Romain Lardy, Dorothee Ledoux, Mathieu Silberberg, Bruno Meunier
Potential benefits and risks of using Precision Livestock Farming technologies to manage animal welfare -Recent developments at INRAE
AWRN Workshop: benefit and challenges of PLF technologies - 2020
Sciences du vivant
Nicolas Wagner
Détection des modifications de l’organisation circadienne des activités des animaux en relation avec des états pré-pathologiques, un stress, ou un événement de reproduction
Informatique/Technologies Émergeantes
Nicolas Wagner, Violaine Antoine, Jonas Koko, Marie-Madeleine Mialon, Romain Lardy, Isabelle Veissier
Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Detect Anomalies in the Activity of Dairy Cows
Informatique/Réseau de neurones
Isabelle Veissier, Nicolas Wagner, Marie-Madeleine Mialon, Romain Lardy, Dorothee Ledoux, Alice de Boyer Des Roches, Mathieu Silberberg, Bruno Meunier, Violaine Antoine, Jonas Koko
Detection of early behavioural signs of disease as a way to manage animal health
Workshop on precision livestock farming and social interactions in dairy cattle - 2020
Sciences du vivant
Nicolas Wagner, Violaine Antoine, Jonas Koko, Romain Lardy
Fuzzy k-NN Based Classifiers for Time Series with Soft Labels
18. International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - 2020
Informatique/Analyse numérique
Nicolas Wagner, Violaine Antoine, Marie-Madeleine Mialon, Romain Lardy, Mathieu Silberberg, Jonas Koho, Isabelle Veissier
Machine learning to detect behavioural anomalies in dairy cows under subacute ruminal acidosis
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture - 2020
Sciences du vivant
Nicolas Wagner, Violaine Antoine, Jonas Koko, Marie-Madeleine Mialon, Romain Lardy, Isabelle Veissier
Use of a precision-livestock-farming technology coupled with time series methods to identify abnormal circadian pattern of activity
Sciences du vivant